There was a book sale in the FAB this morning. $1 each! Yeah, boyyyyy.
I started this blog a few months ago and I have yet to write a substantial post. Why? I don't know. If you were to look through my moleskin (technically Books-a-Millions's slightly cheaper version of a moleskin), you'd find a few jotted notes about things I'd like to post:
- Seeing The Bird and The Bee @ The Barns at Wolf Trapp and the car trouble/hobnobbing we had afterward.
- The AVT crew's brunch at Yathrib's that I wanted to write about but never did.
- The Brits/Gandhi and Alf's Wedding/wearing all white for Easter
- The latest and greatest in the Fine Arts Building/the new FAB (technically the School of Art but let's save that for another day) and various printmaking/design decisions and news.
- Teaching Nat how to make chicken with forty cloves of garlic.
What I have decided to tell you about is the mini-drama that occurred in the print studio this morning. The decision came after much debate...ok, ok, not really.
A: it's fresh so it'll be easier to write and B: since it's fresh it will therefore be faster to write and I've got studying to do.
So Mr. Daniel Dean was relief printing with some metal plates that he had. License, address, I forget. One of the print 1 ladies, whom I already don't care for since she's yappy and whiny, walks up to the press and starts fiddling with the settings.
(The following recount may not be entirely word for word.)
"Oh, hey, I think he's using that." said Betsy.
The lady then walks up to the "I'm just minding my own business and listening to my ipod" Daniel.
"Are you using this?"
"What? Yes."
"When will you be done?"
"Well, I'm going to print until class is done..so, about an hour?"
"You're going to be continuously printing for an hour?? I need the press. She said that I need to work outside of class."
"Well, it's his class so he gets priority." (Betsy) This statement is completely ignored.
"I need to use this. When is your class over? How long do you think you'll be printing? Half an hour? Twenty minutes? Half an hour?"
This continues for awhile until the lady decides that she'll work on something else for forty-five minutes until our class is done and the press is free.
"Daniel, why didn't you just tell her off? That was damn rude." (me)
"I don't know her and I had an audience!"
"Please. We want to hear it! Tell her off next time!" (Betsy)
Long story short, she comes back to find him still printing. She gives him some song and dance about how she needed to hurry because she had to pick up her child from the bus stop. He says that everyone in there has responsibilities and that she should relax. Haha!
Let's see. How about you come in during open studio time? Manage your time better? Pick up a quarter and call someone with a violin. I'm all for the whole "we're building a print community" thing but that was just plain rude and pushy. Don't even get me started how she showed up tipsy for the Krystof Wodiczko lecture.
I guess you can call this the first real substantial blog post here at Lemonade Lists but I really just consider this ranting.
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