Monday, January 3, 2011

Bromances and pork belly

- I do not like Captain Morgan and ginger ale.
- "Is this seat taken? Heyyyy!!"
- Random guy in plaid asking me if Madam's has a beer menu. *snort. 
- "Gary Coleman" rubbing up on my leg. "I'm just looking for my coat?" "Your coat isn't on my leg, dude."
- Tearing up the dance floor. Even the tall one. 
- Watching Deborah exchange cutesy love notes with that bald guy. 
- Adam admitting that he almost requested Rihanna's Only Girl (In the World). Not so sure you should be telling people that, man. 
- Free jalapeño poppers!
- Second Manoles and seafood pancakes!

1 comment:

  1. Did he request it? I know they played it and we danced to it. Was it because he requested it?

    That's like that one 30+ Army guy saying we're crazy for not wanting to dance to Miley Cyrus..
