Friday, September 17, 2010

What goes through my head during long critiques

- It's cold in here.
- A cheeseburger sounds good.
- Wow, a lot of these logo designs have three slashes in them.
- What am I going to wear to the art opening on Sunday?
- Do I have a sweater in my car?
- Moules frites sound good.
- That girl's chamomile tea smells damn good.
- When do I have time to redesign my 413 layout?
- Which heels do I want to wear on Sunday?
- There's going to be maybe three people at the SoA Green meeting, stupid AIGA and their meet & greet.
- Maybe I should kern my logo tighter.
- Coquilles St. Jacques sound good.
- Do I even have food with me?
- What colors should I use for my logo?
- Option + e + i = Mac shortcut for placing an accent. Awesome.
- Switch that text to Helvetica Neue Light.
- Lemon cake sounds good.


  1. I'm sure your critiques were more interesting than ours. Twenty people designing a logo for the same company? There's only so many long you can stare at the same word.
