Saturday, November 19, 2011

That time I missed the Artsbus

I missed the Artsbus today. This has never happened before and I've gone to at least ten Artsbus trips in the past. This is what happens when you stay awake the night before (which I've done for the past three or four trips with no problem), have a spot of free time, and decide to "rest your eyes" for an hour or so. 

a. You oversleep through all four of your alarms. 
b. You wake up and look at the time in mouth agape shock. 6:15? Surely you jest.
c. You check your phone and have six missed calls and ten text messages asking your whereabouts. 
d. You call people on the bus and tell them what happened. They try to convince you to race them to Maryland and whatever rest stop is scheduled for today. Consider all possible options. 
e. You have to write the email/text of shame to Suzanne, Selena, AND Justin (whose response will surely be "omg, vina." or "mmhmm."

(via text)
Rachel Newdorf: (who is actually on the bus and was going to be my seatmate) Go back to sleep. We can talk later if you want. Although you are probably crazy awake now. 
me: YEAH MAN. 

I was all packed and everything. My clothes were laid out. I knew what I was going to make for breakfast AND which sandwich I was going to get at Amy's Bread in Chelsea Market (roast eggplant/tomato with NY state goat cheese and fresh thyme on baguette). My camera, phone, and ipod are all charged and ready to go. I had a blanket and a pillow ready.

This blows. I'm going back to bed and taking a self-pity nap. 

On the upside, I get to go to the gym, clean the house for the visiting French relatives, and attend tonight's Thanksgiving Taboo potluck. Silver lining, guys. Silver lining. 

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